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What inspired me to write Domestic Violence: A Thriller?

The 21st anniversary of 9/11 recently passed into the history books. Twenty-one years since a small cadre of educated, well-financed, religious fanatics murdered nearly three thousand people and changed our lives forever.

They attacked the core of our national culture: the World Trade Center-our financial system and our leadership position in the global economy, the Pentagon-seat of the most highly trained and well-equipped armed forces in the world and, had it not been for a small team of brave civilians willing to sacrifice themselves, the seat of our national government in Washington, D.C.

In a nutshell, 9/11 represents guerilla warfare taken to the extreme. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda became embedded in our collective memories. They demonstrated how a minor assailant could engage and sustain a world power in long-term conflict on their terms.

The idea that a small group of intelligent, well-financed people could direct the focus of our entire nation provided the nexus for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, A Thriller. The descendants of two friends, who wanted to ensure the long-term safety and security of their families, transformed themselves into a cadre of power-hungry assassins determined to reposition their country on the world stage.

They labored beyond the reach of any government to unite both Sunni and Shiite against their common enemy, Israel. The deaths of a quarter million Americans and the catastrophic destruction of our ports, railways, oil and gas and petrochemical industries assures that the U.S. is focused on their own issues and unable to provide timely support to Israel.

Follow Mike Paxton, a cybersecurity expert and a deeply patriotic American, as he spearheads the efforts to identify and bring to justice those responsible in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, A Thriller.



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